Sunday, September 27, 2009

Call of the wild

Weather is back up to normal - sunny and 70. Hurray! We have only one guest left, Paul (Mark's brother) with Lisa, Charles, & Chase driving back to Texas today. We had great fun and Lisa & I even spent a couple of hours meditating, sketching, (and in my case eating too) in our aspen woods. It's amazing how many animal sounds there are when you sit there quietly.

Mark & Paul are off fishing for the 3rd straight day. They've had great luck with salmon & trout, and also saw a group of big horn sheep by the river. No camera with them - too bad!

Deer are coming around the house in ever greater numbers. We wake up to deer out every window - bucks, does, fawns, all eating the rest of our little grass. Crazy...

The aspen by our house are finally turning, much later than a lot of them. As we drive around, there are some aspen losing their leaves, but still, lots of color everywhere.

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