Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mysteries and no respect

We watched a very strange phenomenon on the deck early last night. The hummingbirds were feeding, although in much smaller numbers, and suddenly two collapsed on the deck, and in looking down at the other end - two other hummingbirds had collapsed under the other feeder. No change in our boiled sugar water formula, and it was chilly, but not cold. They all laid there looking quite pitiful, actually looking dead really, but after a minute all got up and flew away. What in the world happened? I tried to search for an answer online, but didn't get anywhere.

So now I have a new name - neighborhood watchdog. We had a little drama which we witnessed from our living room window: a construction truck from the building site on the next ridge, decide to do some "off-roading" on the property next to ours. Damage of course to the land, and things grow so slowly here that it will be next summer before the tracks are covered up. He did this not once, but twice. The second time I emailed our homeowner's assn president. Boy, the fingers were flying with all the emails that went back and forth. In the end, the culprit owned up, the builder apologized, and the homeowner who is building was thrilled that someone was paying attention. There are only a few of us out here, so I'm on alert, binoculars at the ready!

The flower photo is from my camera, but was taken by Lisa in town. Must give credit where it's due. Had to put it up - so pretty...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the credit. LOL. I have not been able to post's working now. Thank goodness, because you know..I always have plenty to say! You and I have not stopped talking for 40 years. Poor Mark!
