Friday, August 21, 2009

Living with nature

Another fine day we are having. Deer everywhere; which is good for Mark's invisible chart. He has seen deer every single day we've been here(over two months now) and hopes it will continue. Of course, we're seeing cattle too, although I'm trying to ignore them, and further, they don't count. I walked alone this morning in the woods (took spray everyone) with no bear in sight, but bear scat was evident. No, I didn't take a picture - I thought everyone could live without that...

Tiffany, this bit of news is for you - the paper reported yesterday that the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory store had been broken into - by a bear. Minimal damage with the bear concentrating on caramel apples and caramel popcorn. How crazy is that!!

Mark had a fishing adventure yesterday. He went to a more isolated area on the Gunnison that he hadn't explored before. Half a mile hike in, lots of water, and some good fish there. However, when leaving he ran into a bee nest. Running away, bees stinging face and hand, he lost half his rod. He had to retrace his steps not knowing exactly where the nest was - found the rod and missed the nest. Important here - he had no swelling or allergic reaction. I clearly win the award for overreaction to bites...

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I'll have to keep that in mind when I start my bakery in CB. Door locks that keep out bears! :)
