Saturday, October 23, 2010

Feathered friends and pots of paint



My walk to the beach in the morning is full of nature, just a slightly different kind than Star Mt. When I hit the boardwalk it's peaceful & quiet. Still in the habit of looking at tracks & scat. Here it consists of raccoon and possum. Not nearly as exciting... but love seeing all the birds as you can tell.

osprey with breakfast
Started my art class this week. Love it and expect to learn a lot. My homework assignment is hard however. I will not bore you with the multiple wet in wet pear paintings I have already done. Need two decent ones for next week. At this rate there will be a giant surplus of bad pear renditions...
Finished two books #50 Still Life by Louise Penny - great Canadian murder mystery and #51 What We Keep by Elizabeth Berg - also really good. I've read quite a few of hers and this is an earlier one, but good writing shows even then.

Made it to the farmer's market here. They've just started their season so a little smaller than we're used to, but did buy veggies. Now if I could just find a place that had decent eggs - not in the cards as they say I think.

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