Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Whispers of spring plans

The sonic boom from the space shuttle returning rattled windows & doors, waking us up night before last. Hard to get your mind around what they're doing up there in space. Readying a space station for future astronauts, when I'm not sure there's money allocated to build new shuttles (as our current fleet is aging out). Too many other problems to fix right now, like the economy!

I have trees on my mind, but not the ones in the photos. So excited, I have ordered baby trees (aspen & spruce) to plant on Star Mountain. Okay, yes we have acres of woods, but almost no evergreens, just aspen. For less than a dollar a tree the state forest service gives you a choice of type and hands them to you in a bunch of 30 at a time. They will, of course, take years to get to any size - (when I say baby I mean 12 inches), but it's still fun. Our woods are almost all aspen, so the thought is add some evergreen and add aspen to our cleared areas around the house. We will pick them up in May. Spring planning!

Finished book #15. Good, not great. The Cadence of Grass by Thomas McGuane. He has a very odd style of writing (jerky) but the characters were interesting (modern western based in Montana). Hmmm...perhaps I was attracted to the western theme??

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so much like your heart is on Star Mountain..ordering trees, reading books set in the West!
