Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blowing and books

After wringing my hands with worry, realizing I couldn't do anything to help with the ridiculous blizzard conditions that the girls had been in for a WEEK (breaking all records for seasonal snowfall for DC metro), I went to the beach ( yes, poor me) with Pam, who was visiting with her husband Wade for a few days. Yes, the sun, warm breezes, and sunscreen. Hmmm, big wind(as in hair in your eyes and sand in your mouth), chilly, and after a bit clouds rolling in - a precursor to the rain that fell. This was amazingly, as far south as we are, connected to the giant storm in DC. We as the tail end... We had fun anyway and Pam came away with a large bag of shells.

Mark & Wade went fishing, of course, caught some, and we have a sea trout in the frig to try out. Never had one before - sure it will be delicious.

Now you may have noticed that my book list has changed. I found this fabulous site that made my little homemade book list look like a kindergarten abc. The books rotate every 15 seconds, and you can click on each book for a review -mine (ferventreader), and site reviews. If you click on my book list, it will take you to the site with my whole list in column form. I'm excited about the site, but I cannot tell a lie - I had trouble, big surprise, getting the link on my blog. Heather did it via phone. She's very good...

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