Thursday, January 14, 2010

Things going back to normal

Things are starting to warm back up here, as it sounds like normal temps are beginning to happen in other parts of the country. Whoo- this was odd weather for here. Big fish kill everywhere, I saw some on our beach, and a lot of plants just couldn't handle the unusual long cold spell. The flowers I covered are fine, but the banana trees had some frost damage. Yeah, banana and frost doesn't even sound right...

The strange looking birds are woodstorks. They are endangered so it's always nice to see some, and they were having a field day with the unexpected easy fish pickings.

"Season" appears to be moving into full mode. Lots more traffic on the roads and everywhere I go I hear French, Italian, German, and British accents. Europe has had their own cold weather issues - they're probably very glad to be here.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly get to experience alot of nature! Good for you for paying such cose attention and appreciating it. What a gift!
