Sunday, June 23, 2019

Freezing temps, snow on high, and magnificent sunsets

Craziness in weather here. New snow! At least up on the peaks. Verdant green fields surrounded by fluffy ice white peaks. Really spectacular. But June 22...are you kidding?

Drove into CB for breakfast. Busier than this looked.
Drove into CB for breakfast to celebrate Mark's return. They got the dusting of snow on the peaks as well. He's here for 2 weeks again before going back to Miami. Back and forth all summer - a good way to get whiplash.

Before the front came in I was out enjoying a cup of coffee on the deck with my friend, daddy bluebird. There's a nest underneath the deck and we're all awaiting the little cheep cheeps.

Water is still very high most everywhere. This is Ohio Creek, normally a meandering peaceful kind of stream.

Wild Iris

More wildflower pics. Good thing I took these when I did. The iris are almost done as of this morning, and the sunflowers may have taken a frost hit last night. It was 31 at our house.

The Castles a day apart.

Every summer the sunsets are breathtaking. This was last night a few minutes apart. We'll just be a hangin' around this gorgeous place.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. Each photo more magnificent than the last. What a summer, huh?!
