Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Magic

Yes, fun was had and it all went by in a blur. Lovely Christmas and while it wasn't a white one, it still had all the special magic the holiday brings.

Gingerbread cookie time
You know raw dough is the best. I know, I know not recommended.
Serious creation happening
Gingerbread cookies. A long time family tradition that my mother started when we kids were small. A lot of decorating goes into these with every conceivable sprinkle. When our girls were small they too had a blast with the cookies, too much on one occasion, we used silver balls to decorate. Big mistake. They went everywhere except on the cookies. Do they even make those anymore?

S'more's in the fireplace - of course
Jules loves her Aunt Heather
 twirling - just because
another budding photographer in the family
As Christmas Eve day waned the energy levels increased to epic proportions
Christmas Eve was great. Hours of wrapping, gingerbread cookies, acrobatics with Aunt Heather, and general shenanigans.

Sprinkling reindeer food on the lawn for Santa's reindeer. A modern addition to Christmas Eve traditions.

A Nana & Granddaddy gift - musical piano pad - perhaps the parents are not as thrilled as the girls
The post gift opening explosion
Tenderloin Christmas dinner  
You'll notice Jules is missing for our Christmas dinner. The morning's excitement wore her out. Truth be told we all got a bit sleepy especially after all the food. Happy New Year to all and here's wishing for a splendid one.

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