Friday, January 15, 2016

Naples in the winter

Whoops time got away from me.again. Good day to catch up as we have waves and waves of rain, wind and tornado warnings happening in Naples today. There was actually a tornado touchdown two days ago in Cape Coral, an area a short distance away. Highly unusual here at this time of year. Well gosh, what area hasn't been having "unusual" weather, high or low records blown away like the wind.

Want to pass along a new find - Maria Batali pasta. Grabbed it on impulse and boy, what a good one. It is a far superior pasta than the other box brands. Really. It does cost a bit more but his "bronze extruded" process changes the game. This is a traditional artisanal method that uses bronze dies instead of industrial teflon and slow drying at low temperatures. And we are all about pasta. Yum.

This darling pair is back. They make landfall along our canal at exactly the same spot behind a house across the water. Can't imagine what is there to make this backyard so special. They swam by our lanai but disdained to get out of the water. Otter bait, that's what I need.

It's been a quieter week for me with art class, yoga, and the final touches put on the shower remodel. We're done! Mark is back as of late yesterday after massive traveling once again. Bentonville this time - that's WalMart country for those who don't know... So he is tiiiired. A recoop weekend for sure...

in the foyer
20 x 40
Had to tell you about this great site that Heather uses and shared with me.  Canvas prints of your photos. Truly special and they run 70 and 80% off sales all the time. Sign up! This was just delivered by my favorite UPS driver. I have one of Colorado wildlife at Star Mt. and decided Naples needed an addition. The photo above was one I just took at the beach not that long ago.

I may have gotten myself in trouble here. I accepted a challenge to do a painting a day for five days and they will be posted on Facebook. Sounds easy but its not, and am already behind. Good practice though.

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