Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The joys of family

Penny loves her Grandaddy
Lovely visit with the family for Thanksgiving. Wonderful turkey and all that accompanied it. Heather changed up the sacred mashed potato recipe to - drumroll please - Pioneer Woman's. Universal agreement best ever! And you can do it ahead.

I feel sooo relaxed after a big holiday dinner

 The historic Barney puppy and Miss Penny meeting went well. She did prefer that he not grab her feet or stick his face in hers, but they talked and worked it out.

little kitty action too

 Went on a couple Barney walks with Heather. He has a lot of energy. These views of the Bay are just down the block from Heather's house. Gorgeous!

Turned very cold and we had outdoor family photo session Sunday morning in Reston with Tiffany's terrific photographer Ceri. Penny was a trooper while the rest of us moaned and groaned and stamped feet to keep warm. I'll post pics when we get them.
One of Penny's favorite activities

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