Sunday, November 18, 2012

Palm trees and morning coffee by the lake

We're in the land of  perfect landscaping, exotic cars, more importantly clean cars, tropical birds, flowers in November, and palm trees swaying in the breeze.And let's not forget Whole Foods and Trader Joe's and every other store and restaurant imaginable (including major designer places, yes, well, those places I do not frequent  - can't imagine where I'd need a Dior dress in Gunnison). Quite a change from our Star Mountain area, which by the way, has only gotten a few inches of snow so far. NOT good, come on white stuff!

Endless condo improvements - this time replacing all the kitchen appliances. They were original, old, and one bit the dust - time. We have seasonal renters coming for 3 months starting in January. Lucky them, they get the benefit!

Our lanai is a lovely peaceful place to sit and have coffee in the morning. Tropical birds, ducks, turtles swimming by, fish splashing, but no alligator sightings yet. To be honest, the one and only time I've seen one here was right after we first bought. (7 years ago!)

banyan trees
Lush foliage everywhere. A place where the stop signs are landscaped. Okay, I know other places do this, you have to remember where I've just come from - dirt roads, with cow manure regularly plopped, coyote and fox hunting around our house...

And I've been very remiss in listing books read. Actually, no idea who looks or cares, but it's a great way for me to track my reading.
So in no particular order:
Eragon - Christopher Paolini
A Body in the Bathhouse - Lindsey Davis
Some Assembly Required - a Journal of my son's first son - Anne Lamott
After This - Alice McDermott
The Importance of Being Seven - Alexander McCall Smith
The Silver Pigs - Lindsey Davis
The Brutal Telling - Louise Penny

Consensus of above - highlights Eragon (great first book by a genius 15 year old, written 13 years ago - he has a series - I'm late getting into this I know.) The Silver Pigs - finally able to get a hold of this, the reissued first book written 20 years ago in a 15 book series, and all was fiction with the exception of Anne Lamott's book. I read many of hers, an excellent writer also giving writing advice, who's now a grandmother. Low on the list was Alice McDermott's book, of which I've also read many, - just didn't do it for me - below her usual standard I think.

Mark has been out on a business trip but back now, and we leave for Heather and Jay's in a few days to celebrate Thanksgiving. Yes Miss Penny (and Tiffany and Chris) will be there! This time flying - no more of that 2,000 plus miles driving until the end of December.
Off to see the LPGA tournament going on here. Another nice benefit...

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