Sunday, October 16, 2011

Winter a coming, pests, and full moon

Preparedness for winter:
2 cords of wood delivered and stacked - check
extra firestarters purchased - check
new snowblower started - check
hauling the logs from the dead trees Mark cut down with his new chainsaw - um, not yet
outdoor furniture moved inside - well, mostly check
fence repaired - another mostly, our guy never showed up and Mark's had to fill in
find all gloves, hats, boots, and coats - definitely check
Well, we're sort of ready. And it would be easy to be fooled right now since the last few days have been gorgeous and high 60's. It can change in a flash...

We've also had a pest control guy out. Anyone remember our horror movie called "the Flies"of last year? They started appearing again, and along with the prospect of rodents trying to get in and something chewing holes in our siding: time for a professional. Spraying has been done, we'll see, there are still flies I have to sweep up everyday, but I think there are less.

big boy - photo courtesy of Mark
fleeing elk - photo courtesy of Mark
After believing the deer were gone, quite a few have shown back up, including Flap and twins. A big buck spent a couple hours in our yard eating and then resting this morning. Pretty sure it was scared out of it's normal area by all the guns blaring. The hunters are out in full force. 5 elk tore across the hills in front of the house with tongues hanging out yesterday. Same, same.
I really, really don't have a problem with the hunting, especially since we (the humans) have disturbed the natural order of things - the elk are overpopulated due to man wiping out their natural enemies as an example- but, I feel for the animals and don't actually want to do this myself... Oh, yes hypocrite am I.

full moon - camera Mark's, photo mine
An important purchase today - this time a new tv for the living room. For those of you who saw our tv sporadically missing part of its picture this summer, it died finally last night. Not bad really - 8 years old. Now, of course, we paid 1/3 the price for a slightly bigger one, plus it weighs considerably less too, Our local WalMart - good job.

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