Friday, October 21, 2011

Shots, off season, and last deer

More preparedness going on, this time in the health department. We've gotten flu shots, and I'm on my way to get a pertussis booster shot (this to protect baby Penny - you can't immunize babies for whooping cough under 6 months) and I'll be back to Virginia a couple more times in the next couple months to be with her - don't want to do anything to jeopardize her health!

We got photo ids for our ski passes too. No one in line at this time of year. Boy, are CB and Mt. CB quiet! It's deep in off season, with half the restaurants closed until Thanksgiving. One of our favorites, Ryce, is still open until the end of Oct. Thank goodness, popped in to get our Asian fix...

Flap napping, twins there too just out of frame
deer in the woods courtesy of Mark
Sweet deer are still around, although the numbers dwindle by the day. That's Flap having a nap in our yard by one of my aspen/flower beds.

Fishing is still going on and Mark spent a little time on the Taylor over the weekend. Caught quite a few but all small he said.Fishing doesn't stop here even in the dead of winter and -20. Just a tad too cold for me (of course I don't fish ever, so doesn't count).
Books read - I'm zipping through quite a few. Read the last two of a series that I had missed somehow. Dorothy Gilman - Mrs. Pollifax and the Hong Kong Buddha, and Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle. Very entertaining series about an older woman recruited as a spy in exotic countries. This author has written a ton of books in addition to this series and she's 88! The other book is a new author for me - Martin Walker. Read his first fiction book,  (there are 3 more in the series - I'll be right on that) Bruno, Chief of Police, the start of a series. It's fantastic. They're set in France, small town policeman and yes, a murder mystery (again), but so well written, and very food centric as well. Martin Walker, who I wasn't familiar with, was an international reporter for many years and is editor in chief emeritus of UPI, active in world events still, and written a lot of non fiction books about politics etc. His foray into fiction writing is terrific in my opinion.

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