Sunday, June 12, 2011

Company, rushing water and elk babies

Sorry for the delay - time got away from me with trying to finish paintings, getting ready for company, and planting projects (trying to create a replica of those fantastic hanging baskets that  make the streets of CB so picturesque. I've done it all wrong in the past, so here goes one more time. I got a nursery expert to walk me through the process - right flowers, planting method, special organic fertilizer, regular fertilizer, special, special potting soil (with bat guano!) and watering instructions., Complicated yes, and why, you ask, are you not buying the already planted, big lush baskets? Because they cost a fortune and I need 4. Sooo, wish me luck...

Major animal days - everywhere I went around my own house I was disturbing animals. Elk showed up in our woods, where I could see them and they could see me, to lounge around for a couple house. I could not fill the hummingbird feeders (which upset the hummingbirds) until they went away. Then I went to turn on a hose under the deck, and this was disturbing the mama bluebird in her nest tucked under the deck. And finally, we have started a compost pile down in the woods close to our fence. Went to dump leftover veggies on the pile and disturbed deer having a morning siesta.  Okay, okay I understand we are just visitors here...

So here's the end of the elk story - BABIES. I am positive that the group in the woods were the very same that had babies that afternoon. There are two babies so far, and am watching them appear all over. This is a photo of one mom, one baby, and an auntie. Yup, I'll make up a story for just about anything...

My parents are here and we've been having a great time. Weather's gorgeous, but been too windy to paint outdoors - too bad. However, Mom's been giving me great advice on how to finish my last couple paintings. Sooo lucky to have her eye...
We went back to Soupcon last night. Remember I said only for special occasions?, well this counted. Great food as usual, and my parents enjoyed it a lot. In addition the place had a lot of guests in town for the big bike race that ends up going over the state (6 day race - 300 miles)!

Look at these tents - unbelievable - taking over the school parking lot. Main street was full  - what fun.

We made it up to Spring Creek Reservoir finally. I think the pictures speak volumes - this is the state of the water. Little Spring Creek!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, a post while the folks are still there! Give them my best!
