Friday, April 22, 2011

A week left!

7 days and counting. Whoo hoo! Naples is at the crazy end of season, long lines at my package store with people mailing belongings back to their northern addresses (I know this because I've been there almost every day mailing our belongings), avoiding the car transport trucks picking up cars bound for those same northern addresses, and still, spring break families are coming to enjoy the beach and celebrate Easter.

On the "what will I miss list"- my tropical creatures. Love the wonderful exotic birds and, yup, even the alligators. Not sure we could ever actually be friends, but appreciate their wildness and happily, non-aggressive behavior most of the time.
We appear to have made it through the seemingly endless list of inspections, minor repairs, etc. Good luck to anyone selling a home these days. It's not just about finding a buyer - it's surviving the process as well...
It's been 90 every day here and Star Mt. is still snowy with below freezing temps at night. Crazy contrast.

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