Thursday, May 21, 2020

Musings and time to go back to Star Mountain

Another month has gone by since I posted. March and April were the slowest two months of my life - was it the same for everyone else?

We leave next week for Star Mt. as second home owners are now let back in with no restrictions. Excited to get there but a bit anxious about the trip. Oh yes, it's flying and a rental car and masks. Sounds like a party right?

Summer heat has arrived in Naples which means no more sliders open to the fresh air but the crowds have mostly left so things are quiet. We do have some stragglers staying for some unknown time as their northern homes are still reeling in a big way from COVID-19.  We just ventured out for our first restaurant meal in months. A favorite sushi place at an outside table. They took our temperature as we walked in. First time for that but I think we better get used to it.

Our beaches are open, sort of. They did open, then closed (due to a giant pile of Miami people racing over since their beaches were still closed), and have no reopened with big restrictions. Strict enough I don't care to go. No chairs, no umbrellas, no coolers. Soooo not much to do except walk and I'd rather do my morning walk in my neighborhood.

Since I posted our new grandson Braden James was born. Happily everything went well (super fast) and all is good. Joy for these times. We have 4 grandkids now (3 girls, 1 boy)  - amazing!

All photos are from times before. It gives me a warm feeling and optimism for the future - hope it does for you as well. Be well be safe. Until next time.

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