Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Life in a time of global crisis

An entire month has gone by since I posted and the world is not what it was. Will we ever get back to "normal"? Most of the photos I'm posting are not current, some from a while ago when life was different. Nature continues on in her magnificence...

In the small creature world our big news is Lenny (our "pet" lizard) has vacated the premises. He stole away in the dead of night slipping out under our pool cage screen door. He had been alternating spending time in his koi fish and sitting with us on the outdoor lounge sofa for an afternoon cocktail for weeks now. And then she arrived. That's Lenny on the inside of our screen and she is on the outside. They started spending a lot of time trying to bond through that darned screen. We believe in a heated frenzy, Lenny realized he had to leave our home to be with his lady love. Adios and good luck Lenny...

So we walk as the sun comes up in what is now a steamy mess in the mornings. We are doing proper social distancing of course, which is easy that early. Mark is still able to play golf but for me this is the outing of the day.

More previous beach photos which fill me with longing. Still off limits at this point. And for the record, I'm in the camp of caution when it comes to "opening back up". We've been scared to death over this virus and I'm not about to start jumping into large groups of people in restaurants or stores. The grocery store run is enough to give me anxiety for a couple hours.

This is where we will hopefully be in a month. The mountains are calling. Our state and more importantly, our county, has banned second homeowners from coming back (which is us).

Lots of cooking, lots of internet surfing, lots of Netflix, some writing, walking, bits of yoga on YouTube, daily meditation, and some wringing of hands over the global situation. I have posted on my other author website while ignoring this one, if you care to have a look.... GretchenLeeAdams.com   Stay safe and be well.

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