Friday, February 7, 2014

Big horn sheep, Olympics,Tibetan food, and nordic skiing

And the winter continues. It's been snowing a couple inches during the day and than again at night the last few days. More to come.

I think I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. Here, when you see flashing lights from an oncoming car, you do not slow way down to avoid the speed trap, you slow down for the wildlife. I'm so used to this now that if I rounded a corner and flashing lights were there, I'd screech to a halt in shock. These big horn were out again on the road outside Almont. They do not watch out for cars so we must.

Anyone excited about the Olympics? We always watch summer or winter, but it feels pretty close to home this year. In addition to Dr. Gloria as CMO in Sochi, we have 4 people from Crested Butte in the 2014 Winter Olympics as participants or coaches. WOW! I'm thinking that's a pretty high percentage for this teeny tiny town of Crested Butte.

We made it out cross country skiing again. Remember this was the first time since the intermediate hill track debacle. We went back to our 2.3 mile flat track and I'm happy to report we breezed through it. At least something was accomplished with all that sloppy hill effort - the flat seemed effortless.

Went to MoMo's for lunch which is inside what was Montanya Rum. It's a sorry looking karaoke bar weekend nights now. Our food was great however,had a momo among other things, and in the summer he's outside by the Buddha serving his Tibetan food. Another person from the Kathmandu area. Crazy. And not to worry - Montanya Rum has just moved down the street.

A few facts learned so far from my Roman Architecture class:
Roman cement is better and lasts much longer than modern day cement, and it's green (lime,volcanic ash, crushed rock, seawater).
They were bath crazy, daily, hot, cold, repeat, and no soap. Olive oil and scraping were the tools of the day.
A sea sponge on a stick was used as toilet paper, stored in vinegar between uses (did you really want to know this?)
Romans served hot fast food in the streets long, long before we had a thought.

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