Monday, June 3, 2013

Breathtaking surroundings

Absolutely fantastic weather here with wildflowers and gorgeous color everywhere - come visit the area if you can. We have a short warm season in comparison to the longgg winter and by damn, we will enjoy every minute of it. I have been snapping photos like crazy. The photos in this post are just random - beauty every direction...

Lots of projects happening here, Mark got out the chainsaw to cut up some huge branches and one 60 ft aspen than fell just outside the fence.Of course it fell right in the middle of all the area that the guys cleared  late last summer. Just what we don't need, more firewood. There are still cords and cords even after burning fires every day. Next staining the deck and the front porch - a pain, but needed to be done. Notice the projects up to this point are Mark's - ha ha. Not to worry, I've been doing stuff too, weeding beds, planting herbs, buying hanging baskets (yeah!). We actually have hired someone to wash our windows including the sky high ones. Giving up, at least for the time being. Its a gigantic job...

Wildlife report: lots of deer everywhere, and the elk are still here, but not very visible. I think they're mostly hiding in the woods with their brand new babies. Hope to see some of those out soon. The fawns are not due yet - late in June should be the time. And we do have a bluebird nest under the eaves of the deck, but not sign of the slightly dumb robin pair since I pulled the, old too tiny for robins, bluebird nest down.

doesn't look it, but this elk is HUGE compared to the deer

back to the neighbors dirt pile
Copper River salmon is here and I immediately bought 7 lbs worth. It's a special treat only available for a short time - pricey but if you like salmon, well worth the price. We've had two meals so far and it was as fabulous as I remember.

Time is already going by too fast.Cramming in what we can. Mark was occupied with a member/member golf tournament this past weekend. They won their flight - congrats.

The start of our fun time with lots company is here.Old friends are coming to visit this weekend - never been to this area. Should be a blast!


  1. Love that first picture!! Unedited?

    1. Yup, just crouching down in the grass to get the right angle.

    2. Amazing! That new camera is awesome. :)
