Thursday, July 15, 2021

The continuing magic of the mountains

Summer is flying by too fast. Aaugh.... Waves of wildflowers are blooming and dying away making room for the next group. Lots of people visiting enjoying the summer activities: everything from mountain biking, fishing, river rafting, photography, painting, camping to hiking, and I know I've left out many. We've had the start of our company visits which is such a joy. We love sharing our special area with those we love.

My lovely friends Cheryl and Mary visiting from Naples and Cleveland. We all do watercolor painting together in Florida over the fall and winter months. We are normally a group of 4 but one could not make it this time. Patty we missed you!

Painting sessions and sightseeing, very relaxing - what more could you ask for?

Had to go to the farmer's market in CB of course. A lot of other people had the same idea. It's always been a great place to find wonderful produce, organic breads, flowers, jewelry, and art. Great people and dog watching too.

There's always a bit of craziness in Crested Butte. We watched the owner of this beaten up bus get out and write an invitation to draw on his door. Mary jumped right in. I believe that's a first.... 

The lovely rain we've had is producing mushrooms. These are pretty spectacular but unfortunately not edible.  We have visions of lovely chanterelles to come. Thanks to mushroom hunting neighbors we know what to look for so hopefully in a few weeks we'll have some luck.

This was the early morning sun two days ago. Smoke haze from the wildfires in California. It's since blown out of here. So sorry for all who are in the middle of the danger.

Wildlife continues to amaze. We knew there was a great horned owl around via evidence on the deck (poop) but got a rare sighting when it landed on the railing two nights ago. 

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