Our last company has come and gone. Hands down the quietest summer we've ever had. Understandable... Paul and Sherry came back for hunting week and lots of fun was had even if hunting was not successful. Went for a drive to see fall color, a little early as it turns out. Paul did get to see Emerald Lake for the first time in years. This time it was not full of paddle boaters and canoes, more the quiet water we know. CB still busy, not sure why, but we managed to enjoy lunch and a little shopping.
Leaves are turning by the day and coyote and owls are making their noises heard every night. This has been a drought year so the grass was about done, earlier than normal. Our rancher came to take the cattle out yesterday - for greener pastures. It's always fun to see the cowboys at work. They are real hard working cowboys keeping a way of life going that doesn't exist in most places. Yippee, no more manure and gates open until next July!
We only have 3 weeks left before our trek back to Florida. I don't know if all the seasonal people will come back this year as normal. The virus certainly has impacted every aspect of people's lives. Numbers are not terrible where we are in Florida but still... What a contrast between there and here. Not a single positive case in our small county here in Colorado since Sept 1. So awesome... crossing fingers it will continue through the winter.