Thursday, September 15, 2016

Crested Butte razzle dazzle

Anne and Jean popped in for a quick visit. We made the most of it and "did' quite a bit of Crested Butte.

Anne and Jean's first visit to Montanya. Yes they are now fans and yes, there are 2 Maharajah's not three. Anne decided to be a rebel and try some grapefruity rum thing. (She did concede that while hers was good ours was better-ha).

Soupcon with sun flare
Lunch at Sunflower and dinner at Soupcon. Soupcon was marvelous as always and we got to hear the bear story from a month ago.He ripped open the back door sauntered in through the tiny dining room touching nary a thing, not even disturbing the linen tablecloths, made his way into the kitchen eating everything in sight and then wandered out. Oh boy...

The standoff between Anne and one of "our"steers. She attempted to touch a steer. Nope - those big beasts are crazy skittish.

Deer are fully gray now, Flap sightings have been scarce, and our injured doe has disappeared from under the deck. I'm choosing to look at this as good and that she's healing. She certainly was limping hardly at all the last time I saw her and the huge gash looked much better.

Summer and the green are slowly disappearing. No matter how much I want to hold back the seasons, the mountains will have none of it. Marching forward towards the longest season here -winter. We won't be here for most of it but have to prepare none the less. Changing of patterns around here: the coyotes have been howling every night, some wild mountain hail storms, little muddy fox prints left on the front porch today. Taking in every bit.

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