Friday, June 28, 2024

Cold plunging, Crested Butte, and American Basin jeeping

American Basin

The summer is going by in a mad rush. Lots of activities and gorgeous weather. We've had more lovely company and additional family on the way soon. We simply love it.  It makes this place even more magical when you can share it.

Lisa braving the 45 degree Carbon Creek

Lisa and Charles came for a short visit and we made the most of it.  First, Lisa did a cold plunge in frigid Carbon Creek. She does cold plunging on a regular basis for health. It reduces inflammation and boosts immunity. She stays in for 3 minutes which I think is amazing. I don't know if I could do it. We then zipped around Crested Butte. Paradise Cafe for breakfast which is a must. Loved having them - come anytime!

Passed a 50k race on the way. Hearty bunch.

Painted Cups

Next up jeeping to American Basin. Our good friends Steve and Leeann have a new SUV, well, not new exactly, just in perfect shape - an FJ Cruiser which has a major following even years after they quit making them. We took two vehicles and went up to beautiful American Basin for a good test run. Fun day with perfect weather to have a picnic. We've been a couple times before and our famous (to us) climb on a 14'er (Handies Peak) was there. We'll be back...

Monday, June 10, 2024

Fabulous June at Star Mt.



We are loving the spring to summer that is Star Mt. A lot of changes in the scenery since I last posted. There is still snow on the peaks but now everything below is green, green, green. And the wildflowers have popped. Our hummingbird feeders were going strong and suddenly the birds don't care. It's a banquet out there for them, nice to know they favor "real" over sugar water.


wild iris

Larkspur - part of the delphinium family, so pretty, and lethal to cattle. Our cattle are not inside Star Mt. right now for that very reason.

The larkspur - I have never seen this much in the 15 years we've been here. It's everywhere...

My morning walk in the woods - there's a doe on the road in this pic. I've seen everything from bear, coyote, fox, elk, grouse, and deer. And no, I do not carry bear spray...

A selection of the creatures around. Deer are everywhere which we love to see and they will have babies in a few weeks. The elk have been around but are currently mostly out of sight with their new babies. First sighting of a baby weasel (ermine) on our cattle guard. So cute but vicious at least to the chipmunks and ground squirrels around. The marmot is  mainly a nuisance animal that is now at Star Mt. in large numbers. Other names are whistle pig, groundhog, and rock chuck. Their call literally sounds like a smoke alarm. Augh.

baby weasel - where's mama?

Marmot standing in alarm

A few house photos. We do have neighbors but most are not close. All have 35acres at Star Mt. so plenty of room for everyone.

Really truly we have a mountain out our living room

Path down to our patio. We're out there a lot as long as the weather cooperates.

Wildfire damage 3 miles away from last summer - we were lucky. Gratitude is the word of the day.

Anticipating much fun and laughter for this summer. Hoping everyone has a good one wherever you are.