Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Santa Fe ladies trip

 I know I just posted but there's always so much going on here in the summer, I'll get wayyy behind if I don't post now. I just got back from Santa Fe with two friends Marcia and Kim from Star Mt. Great fun and we did a lot for a short few day trip. All things were not photographed sadly - fun group breakfast with sister in law Lisa at Cafe Catron, and the very large rattlesnake I ran over in the car browsing the back hills of Santa Fe. Just have to imagine...

no foam drink for me

Marvelous dinner at Coyote Cafe the first night. Marcia, Kim, and I stayed at an airbnb that made all things easy as we could walk to most places. Such a fun city! 

Mine Shaft restaurant

glass blowing

One of my favorite galleries - Indigo

very fine turquoise stones at Madrid jeweler.

Next day was a short car trip to Madrid - (NM not Spain). An old coal mining town made into an artist and gift shop community. Some movie filming action in the past - anyone remember Wild Hogs? 17 years ago starring lots of famous actors - John Travolta, Ray Liotta, Tim Allen, Bill Macy, and Marisa Tomei. Some purchases were made and we had a fun lunch at the Mine Shaft. Dinner at La Casa Sena another great restaurant. There are so many to choose from, it's hard to narrow it down. 

mystery staircase (railing and supports were not there originally)

native -american sellers off the plaza

Next up more shopping and sightseeing in Santa Fe. Loretto Chapel, a former catholic church that is famous for the Loretto staircase mystery. It was built in the late 1800's, had no railing, and and no one can explain how it remained standing. Beautiful chapel. We also went on Canyon Rd, although we only touched on a few galleries. You could spend an entire day there without question. The last night we went to the many decades old restaurant The Shed. We had to wait 2hrs to get in (but sat in the bar which was a pleasant way to wait) and the food is really authentic New Mexican and good.

Last stop was in Taos. We made a detour and swiftly went through the city square. The UNESCO Taos Pueblo will have to be another time.

On the way home Marcia took us on another detour to see wild horses. We saw three groups and though they were some distance away, it was an awesome sight. They are under no one's control just living a free life. These are not bothered or rounded up. Just a great trip all around!

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