Monday, April 30, 2012

Animals, property lines, and Miss Penny

Animals out everywhere - great to see. The deer are back, at least the first wave. Coyotes, grouse, elk, deer, fox, and our bluebird couple are hanging in. With all the constant noise and people with the basement construction, thought for sure they would abandon plans for a nest.

our house in the far background and our half-owned cabin
view of castles on property edge
Great discovery we made - new survey done on our property (all part of the fun refinance the mortgage process) and lo and behold, the property extends much further up the next hill than we thought (for those who are familiar - the cave hill), in fact our property line goes right through the middle of one of the old mining cabins to more than halfway up the hill. So, we own half a falling down cabin - whee! We hiked around that stake and marched on to the other end, with Mark finding a dirty bottle. So what, you ask? I asked him to take it back to the house - silly sounding I realize, but as it turns out - it's a very old bottle made by a company, that before Prohibition, was the largest wine producer (New York no less) in the US.

A quart size glass wine bottle of Virginia Dare made by Garrett and Co. with embossed design made sometime between 1900 and 1919. Apparently everyone knew this name and how and when this bottle got here is unknown. Clearly connected with the miners I think. Prohibition killed this company, as it did most wine producers at that time.

This is the latest photo of Penny sent by Mommy. I could die over this- is she not all that?

Next post will be from Napa Valley! Our 40th (OMG really) anniversary is next weekend, and we elected to go to one of our favorite places (outside of Star Mt.) FUN...

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