Sunday, May 29, 2022

Solace in the beauty of the mountains


The startling flip flop of mountain weather at this time of year. This is part of my everyday morning walk and I've been enjoying the peaceful rustle of the aspen leaves "quakies" and the animals who wander by. Quite the change below.

Can you believe!! We got off lightly with three inches which melted quickly. Parts of the rest of the state got up to two feet. Craziness late in May. 

The horses are all fine, just taking a little snooze

red tail hawk

Wildflowers are out and animal activity is everywhere. We think the elk have already started birthing but they pick special and hidden places away from humans. We're keeping our eyes out.

Some sadness in the midst of this magnificence. My mother recently passed away at 94. It was mercifully quick and we celebrate her long and full life. She will be terribly missed.


Monday, May 16, 2022

Spring in the mountains

 We've made it back to Star Mt.! It is early spring here with snow on the peaks and patches of snow on the ground still. Temps still regularly go below freezing so we cannot plant flowers or herbs yet. The aspen trees are leafing out by the day and the first wildflowers are popping up. It is an amazing time of year to watch.

The Castles

Carbon Peak

The deer and elk are out in full force. These are pregnant females with their year old calves and fawns who will give birth in a month or so in our woods. The dads are nowhere to be seen at this time of year.

Crested Butte is very quiet since it's still off season and look at that snow! The winter snowfall was good but we'll still need decent rainfall through the spring/summer to not fall short. We are part of the western states that suffer from drought depending on the year. Water is a very precious commodity here. Crossing fingers for some drips from the sky.

Dusky Grouse

Heard coyote calls in the night, birds are busy making nests, and more smallish creatures (chipmunks marmots, ground squirrels) are appearing every day. A very special place on earth and we're excited to be back.